Lawn Aerating and Lawn Aeration Service Bakersfield, CAAeration is the process of puncturing your lawn's surface with lots of little holes to let air in and in particular to fight against the process of soil compaction that otherwise takes place and squeezes the delicate roots of your precious turf. Simple right? Well yes and no. Just aerating the soil by stabbing it with a garden fork is not so tricky but actually doing it right and timing it properly is more of an art. Just ask the pros at Bakersfield Lawn Pros and we'll be happy to sort out a schedule for you to maximize the effects of aeration for your lawn.
How it Works Your grass needs air, water, and nutrients to grow rich and strong. Compacted soil at the surface, due to everything from rainfall to footfall will eventually forms a thin but tougher layer of soil that interferes with the ability of air and its constituent nitrogen to penetrate into the soil and get to roots. It will tend to push water to run off the surface of the lawn rather than soaking in locally to water the roots, and that run off will help starve roots of the nutrients they need to grow, including any fertilizers you're paying for and taking the trouble to apply. Aeration simply punctures that crust of compacted soil to let air, water, and nutrients get in so you'll immediately understand that it works best when done thoroughly with lots and lots of holes spread out across the turf area. What Does Aeration Do? Simple, an aerated lawn is an invigorated lawn. It will look younger, fresher, and lusher because the grass roots are being better fed. It's particularly good for helping lawns recover from drought or dry spells that have a double negative effect by firstly denying the roots water and then leaving a hard surface crust of earth that helps encourage run off when rains do finally arrive. You know that lush green you see on the golf course? They're aerating. Spike vs Core Aeration There are basically two different ways of aerating a lawn. Spike aeration can take different forms but the pricking with a fork approach, while great for pastry, is a bit basic for all but the smallest patches of grass so most spike aerators use a form of roller with spikes on it to get a much more even pattern of puncture holes in the soil crust. Which is good, but arguably not as good as core aeration where the 'spike' is actually hollow and so pulls out a little plug of soil as it goes. Talk to us at Bakersfield Lawn Pros about which approach is best for your lawn. When To Aerate The best time to aerate is in the growing season when the grass gets the maximum benefit from the access to nutrients and water but knowing just when that growing season starts is not just a matter of looking out the window and seeing if you think it's spring. It depends on the type of grass you have and the micro climate of your area. So call Bakersfield Lawn Pros and talk to us about scheduling your lawn aeration to get that golfing green look in your own back yard. |